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Posture -Module 2: Thoracic spine and Shoulders

  • 90 дней
  • 21 задание
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О марафоне

Thoracic spine and Shoulder pain is the most common complaint I see in my practice. It can arise from: Stress, Overworking, Use of cell phones and other technology, An injury, Repetitive motion, An illness, In this course you will learn tools to reduce pain and tightness in the muscles of your back. I demonstrate step-by-step how to strengthen, stretch and alleviate tension in different muscles of your Spine and Shoulders. Each lesson contains 1-3 minutes video with daily exercise. You start with just 1 exercise per day that we recommend to perform ~ 5 times per day. Each day you add a new exercise. After completing the course, you will have a whole routing integrated in your daily life. You can perform all exercises together and it will take ~ 20 min, or spread it out throughout the day (that is what we recommend). After finishing this course, you will have a valuable tool that you can use daily and avoid chronic pain and stress in your Spine and Shoulder. What you'll learn: An easy and effective protocol you can use daily to prevent chronic pain. Most exercises can be done in the office or even in your car. How to relieve tension and pain from different muscles of the Thoracic spine and Shoulder. The correct way to work on the back from a licensed health care professional. Some anatomy information with photos and instruction slides. Safe guidelines on how to appropriately stretch and strengthen muscles of your back.

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